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Referee Call

Get a ruling in a golf tournament whenever required

For golf clubs and associations

The Challenge

What is a referee call?

Everyone knows this from television. A player at a golf tournament needs help with a rule question. A referee is on site in the shortest possible time (the maximum time required for professionals in Europe is 90 seconds).

Clubs have not been able to achieve this so far. Even associations are struggling because club referees/referees are very limited in availability and work on a voluntary basis. How are they supposed to know when and where they are needed? Without tools they can only be in the right place at the right time by chance.​

There is now a practical solution for clubs and associations to use a so-called referee call, with which players can call a referee to their position on the course at any time to get a rule decision - anonymously and without disclosing any personal information. There is also no need to install an application. Those club referees/referees who are on duty receive a push message on their mobile phone or smart watch.​

Offer your members or tournament participants the service of being able to call the responsible club game manager or a referee for help at any time, just like the professionals do.

The Solution

Push-Notifications to Referees

Apple Watch mit Referee Call
iPhone mit Referee Call


GC Schwarze Heide
GC Wasserburg Anholt


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Referee Call

Jörn Großblotekamp
Bestener Straße 69

D-46282 Dorsten

©2024 von Jörn Großblotekamp

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